Exotify Elsewhere

September 2021

Curated by Taylor Davis and Grace Sanabria

The artists in Exotify Elsewhere oppose the binds of historic fetishization of BIPOC femme bodies and cultures. Constantly enduring these conditions has equipped us with the tools of resistance and resilience necessary to preserve our safety and autonomy. We employ these tactics to claim space in the art world where we feel our voice has typically been forgotten and therefore silenced. Elsewhere emphasizes that we are taking the power to say, “you will not exploit me in that way, not here, not on my body”.

By defining ourselves for ourselves we rise from the oppressive limitations of the male gaze and the violent exclusion of white-centric definitions of ‘womanhood”. This show serves as a platform for BIPOC femmes to freely question and combat these conditions and works toward a liberated artist whose struggles are seriously considered in the fight for social, sexual and economic justice.

Siena Smith Lineage202124"x 55"Jacquard Woven

Siena Smith


24"x 55"

Jacquard woven


Desiree VanieciaSee Me Now2021Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Wood15" x 20"

Desiree Vaniecia

See Me Now

Acrylic and gold leaf on wood

15" x 20"


Dawn OkoroAntithesis2020Acrylic on Canvas40"x 60"

Dawn Okoro


Acrylic on canvas

40"x 60"


Brooke BurnsideLeft to Right: Through It2020Mixed Media on Paper30" x 22"Don't Watch Nothin'2021Mixed Media on Paper15' x 15'

Brooke Burnside
Left to Right:

Through It

30" x 22"

Mixed media on paper


Don't Watch Nothin'

15” x 15"

Mixed media on paper


Codi MaddoxIncomplete Girl202122" x 26"Mixed Media on Paper

Codi Maddox

Incomplete Girl

22" x 26"

Mixed media on paper


Tiara Unique FrancoisTop to Bottom:Ricky Jr. 19 and Tiara 2 Months2021Acrylic and Marker on CanvasRicky Holding Tiara in Minnie's Backyard '972021Acrylic and Marker on Canvas

Tiara Unique Francois
Top to Bottom:

Ricky Jr. 19 and Tiara 2 Months

Acrylic and marker on canvas


Ricky Holding Tiara in Minnie's Backyard '97

Acrylic and marker on canvas


Yvette MayorgaObjects Left Behind2019Acrylic Piping on Canvas

Yvette Mayorga

Objects Left Behind

Acrylic Piping on Canvas