Unseen Threads
November 11 - December 3, 2022
Martha’s is pleased to announce Unseen Threads, a group exhibition of sculptures, paintings, video, and mixed media artworks which illuminate the beauty of the natural elements which evade our human sight and, all too often, appreciation.
What does the organ look like from which the spider draws her glittering, silken thread? What might these webs feel like from the perspective of the bark upon which they are laced? Unseen Threads seeks to shed light on the assets of even the smallest pieces of our natural world–from the billions of microbes in a gram of soil to the limestone fissures produced by subterranean waters. Large-scale ecosystems like lakes and forests or even the grasses which line our lawns are often treated as discrete entities, despite actually being composed of countless smaller structures and relationships, never static, and only separate from its surroundings to facilitate human understanding. The works in the exhibition approach the sutures of the world unseen–either often ignored or entirely unseeable to the human eye–from a scale that does not privilege the human position, but decenters it such that new understandings of beauty might be formed. Whether through subject, technique, or medium, each of the artists in Unseen Threads has taken up the role of the artist-as-translator: conjuring experiences of the natural world through a human perspective which is decentered, making more room for what we might learn from that which we call non-human.
The exhibition features fifteen artists from across Austin and the wider Texas area as well as from across the country, providing a vast swath of variant perspectives on the variance of perspective throughout the organic networks which make our lives and art possible. Artists on show include: Stefanie Guerrero, Wes Thompson, Daphne Arthur, Moll Brau, Mimi Bowman, Cameron Cameron, Erick Medel, Christian Ruiz Berman, Natalie Wadlington, Aaron Jupin, Travis Boyer, Sophia Heymans, Samantha Sanders, Mia Scarpa, and Christopher Huff.
Text by Lindsey Lascaux Photography by Andrea Calo
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
-Joyce Kilmer
Sophia Heymans
See You In The Next Life
40" x 32"
Paper mache, molding paste, prairie grass seeds, oil on canvas
Natalie Wadlington
Rose Garden Near Fish Pond
32"" x 32""
Oil on canvas
Stefanie Guerrero
Tu Me Mires y Yo Existo
11" x 4" x 22"
Ceramic, Glaze, and Glass
Christian Ruiz Berman
End of Empires
11” x 14”
Acrylic on Panel
Wes Thompson
You breathe in deep
and feel the dust
made of deer hair and dead berries
absorb into your lungs
as you integrate your world
and shed your skin for the bugs to eat
and your home spreads
to everywhere you touch
67"x 58" wide x 36" tall
Paper pulp, Pecan wood, Ashe Juniper, Pit fired Colorado river clay, Corrugated metal
Cameron Cameron
Texas Forever
24” x 21” x 18”
Resin, foam, image transfer, fiberglass, copper
Mia Scarpa
Possum Kingdom - Live
15” x 18”
Acrylic on Canvas in Wood Frame
Aaron Jupin
Caught Me Off Guard (Working Towards Something)
48"" x 42"" x 2""
Acrylic and vinyl on canvas
Daphne Arthur
All That Is Within
31.5” x 31.5”
Oil on canvas
Erick Medel
Jardín (Fall Garden)
20.5" x 27.5" framed
Polyester thread on faux leather, framed
Travis Boyer
Garden Bones; Ode to Penelope Hobhouse
40 5/8"" x 28 5/8"" x 1 3/4""
Dye, silk velvet, and panel in artist frame
Christopher Huff
Through the Storm
16"" x 20""
Acrylic on wood panel
Cameron Cameron
On the Border
12” x 12” x 5”
Resin, found butterfly wings, foam, image transfer, postcard
Wes Thompson
You sit on the edge of a rock
and see the tops of trees
move like waves
in the wind that wraps your body
and a small bird plucks your hair
to weave into its nest
44" tall, 15" wide
Paper pulp, Pecan wood, Ashe Juniper, Pit-fired Colorado River clay, Tempered glass
Moll Brau
Pool Party (The Lover Archetype)
42"" x 96""
Acrylic, clear tar gel, granular tar gel, dried flowers, PVC beads on canvas
Stefanie Guerrero
Un Ser de Luz Recreándose a Sí Mismo
14"" x 8"" x 23""
Ceramic, Glaze, and Glass
Samantha Sanders
13.5" x 13.5"
Blue oyster spawn and paper on canvas